And So It Begins...

Welcome to the development log of Peccatum. First of all we would like to inform you all that this game is currently in development by 3 GAT students of Bina Nusantara University. Johandy Lauryan as the Game Artist, Zeo Kosuji as the Game Designer and Peter Andrew as the Game Programmer.

Peccatum is a 2d platform action and adventure game  where player will take control of Zane, the main protagonist of the game. Player will then take a journey to the Palace of Doom where The Fallen sit in his throne. Along the way, there will be many enemies such as : beast, spirit, even the villager who got controlled by The Fallen.  Player can also learn new skills and obtained new items along the journey to defeat The Fallen.

for the first dev log, the game is currently in development so we apologize that the game is currently undownloadable


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good luck